Minera Centinela

Operational control in thickened tailings deposit – Minera Centinela

In development
Sierra Gorda, Antofagasta

The service seeks to provide the Superintendency of Tailings and Transportation with a specialized and permanent operation control service in tailings deposition, which supervises a series of operational parameters, the results of which allow for compliance with commitments that the mining company has acquired with sector authorities , mainly with the National Service of Geology and Mining (SERNAGEOMIN) and with the Water Department (DGA).

The aspects considered by this project are:

  • Measurement and monitoring in existing instrumentation in the thickened tailings deposit (TTD).
  • Control of permanent geotechnical operation to the tailings deposit, consisting of the execution of on-site and laboratory tests, processing of the generated information, preparation of technical reports and executive presentations.
  • Control of permanent geometric operation in the tailings deposit, through topographic surveys, preparation of plans, estimation of volumes and slopes of the deposit.
  • Operational Support, consisting of field inspections to control: deposition programs, physical and operational conditions of tailings discharge and storage areas and status of containment works.
