Enami Planta Matta

Advisory, operation and geotechnical control for tailings dam and deposit of leaching gravel

In development

The service consists of consulting, operation and permanent geotechnical control in the tailings dam of ENAMI Matta Plant, which allows compliance with the requirements defined by the client, to support the geotechnical operation and its structural behavior, in compliance with the Decree N ° 248 of SERNAGEOMIN.

Additionally, a geotechnical control is considered in the deposit of gravel, which allows to control the state of deposited material in comparison to what is exposed in the design.

For both services, the work carried out will generate necessary information both for the internal control of the plant, and for that assigned to SERNAGEOMIN, in particular for the E-700 form or other sectoral and private legal regulations, in charge of supervising the correct compliance of the operation of tailings and gravel deposits.