Codelco invested almost US $ 900 million in sustainability in 2019

It was the second highest disbursement in its history in this area, achieving compliance with the foundry standard.

In the context of its new sustainability strategy –in order to create value for the business and the various stakeholders, anticipate future regulations and mitigate the risks associated with its projects and operations– Codelco invested $ 897 million in this field in 2019, the second highest in its history. This is stated in the company’s report covering its management during the past year.

In environmental terms, it highlighted the performance of its smelters, which achieved average captures of 96.4% and 97.4% in sulfur and arsenic, respectively, indicators above 95% required by Supreme Decree 28 (Emission Standard for Smelters of Copper).

To comply with regulation, the state copper company built two new double-contact sulfuric acid plants and boosted the capacity of the flash furnace in Chuquicamata; carried out the modification of the gas system and the change to double contact / absorption in the Potrerillos acid plant; and implemented a new slag flotation plant and a tail gas treatment plant in Caletones. In addition to all of the above, the black smoke treatment in all foundries is added.

Source: Induambiente